My good friend Tiffany read her son Elijah my book “ The Painted animals A to Z book “. Elijah is 5 . On the last page of the book is an empty page . On the top of the page it says “ Draw your own animal on this page" . Elijah couldn’t believe he could draw in the book ! He drew a purple duck! I love his purple duck !
Elijah told his mom that he wanted to draw a horse but that he didn’t know how. I told Tiffany to tell him that he can draw anything he wants. .
I asked Tiffany to ask Elijah to think about this question ” If you could build, paint or make anything, any color, shape of any material what would it look like ? “.The answer is limitless possibilities . That question is at the end of “ The painted animals book “
📷 The next day Tiffany said “Elijah went to his room and drew more animals in the book on his own! . He drew a giraffe, a bird with eggs, a shark and a pig,
