Anything is possible

Astrology Story Paintings
Kids Art Books
ox Barbara

A to Z Letter Stories to be told .
Apple on a plate. Is the plate on a table (how high, what shape,
color?) or on a floor ( wood, stone or bamboo? ), in a room ( what
shape, color, what material are the walls ?), in a house ( what shape, material, color or is it a tree house ?). Where is the house ( in the country, on a farm, in a city or on an island? ).What is around the house ( animals, buildings, trees, streets ,water, walls, mountains )

The Great Ankle Length Sweater
Colorful , light , perfect length, fun , all seasons, dinner out with a skirt or jeans, dress & happy up your day, pool over suit, spring perfect, summer, graceful , for dancers over Leotards. Size UP if
you like extra length. 5'7 - 5'9 = XL
On #Contrado.com go to PAGE Painted A to Z
On Contrado - A to Z Conversationals - table cloth, place mat, cups, plates